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Cityware:Urban Design and Ubiquitous Computing
Building pervasive systems requires a new way of thinking about the design and use of ICT systems and how they interweave with the built environment. In urban areas we have the greatest opportunities and the strongest demands to design and build pervasive systems, yet urban design has not featured strongly in pervasive systems research. We have no fundamental theory, knowledge base, principled methods or tools for designing and building pervasive systems as integral elements of the urban landscape. We are interested in designing not just the architectural space in which people move and behave and interact but also the interaction spaces for information and services which they discover and use and which support their movements, behaviours and interactions within architectural space. To design these new integrated systems, we need to extend and adapt our understanding and practice of urban design. The Cityware project integrates the disciplines of Architecture, Human-Computer Interaction and Distributed Systems, building on our previous work to develop principles, tools and techniques for designing, implementing and evaluating city-scale pervasive systems as integral facets of urban design. Cityware addresses the challenges of scaling up the design and implementation of pervasive systems to long-term, city-scale systems and evaluating these systems and their relationships with urban space and society through both targeted and longitudinal studies.
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