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How Green is your Garden?
The nine narrative-based research projects followed Alice Liddell’s architectural analysis of her family’s Victorian flat. Through our heroine’s looking glass, lay questions of an ecological bent, focusing on the impact of the environment on architecture rather than architecture on the environment. Is it possible for buildings to learn from organic systems? And can banal interactions of flora and fauna in the domestic flat be scaled up into hybrids of growing edifices and engineered gardens of gargantuan size? The research was a collection of experimental ideas relating to the garden, landscape and its cultural ideology. Output: 9 Research Projects, 3 Book Chapters, 3 Journals, and Authored Book 'How Green is your Garden?' (Wiley Academy, 2003) ISBN 0-470-84539-2, 248pp; Co-author: Ed Liu
1 Researchers
  • The Bartlett School of Architecture
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Status: Complete
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