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Drawing on the progressive action-research and practice-based ethos of the DPU in collaboration with local partners in various host cities,DPUsummerLab is a eerie of workshops that aims to leverage the reality of the city as a laboratory for developing socially responsive design measures. It is intended to provoke, stimulate, and reconsider the role of designers in promoting spatial justice. Focusing on the changing landscapes, contested processes and interdependencies within cities, the DPU summerLab series asserts that to appropriately engage in this arena, a critical recalibration is required concerning a new paradigmatic shift in the cultures and disciplines of design and urban practice. DPU summerLab seeks to establish a unique rotating platform for in situ immersion and experimentation where the boundaries of spatial agency and design processes are actively pushed, hinging upon critical analysis and spatial knowledge development.
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University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT Tel:+44 (0)20 7679 2000

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